When dealing with a criminal situation, the details of each case will play an important part in the charges filed, the available defense options and numerous other aspects of the proceedings. If individuals are charged with white collar crimes, they often stand accused of fraudulently obtaining substantial amounts of money. In such cases, parties may have a long road ahead as they attempt to defend against the charges.
It was recently reported that two men in California are facing this type of ordeal. A 49-year-old man and a 41-year-old man are accused of participating in activity resembling a Ponzi scheme. They allegedly convinced individuals to buy liens on real estate as an investment through a company owned by one of the men. However, the men purportedly misrepresented the information, and the individuals who invested lost their money.
The report indicated that the older man is suspected to have caused $832,000 in losses to the investors, and the other man is suspected to have caused $642,500 in losses. They are both facing charges for making an untrue statement or omission in connection with a purchase or sale, which is a felony. They are also facing enhanced penalties for aggravated white collar crime. It was noted that both men have pleaded not guilty.
Accusations of white collar crimes can have serious consequences if a conviction takes place, and these men are facing the potential for enhanced penalties. Undoubtedly, they will each want to find the best way to approach their cases in efforts to work toward favorable outcomes. Exploring their legal options and gaining information from local California legal resources is wise.