Every day, millions of California residents depend on prescription medication for their health and well-being. While a new drug brings benefits, it often has a long list of potential side effects. Drug manufacturers are responsible for sharing these effects with doctors and patients.
The manufacturer’s duty to warn
Every drug that comes onto the market goes through a rigorous approval process. Several rounds of testing determine the efficacy of the substance along with determining any potential harmful effects. It can take years to move from development to approval.
Once the new drug is on the market, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to share any information about side effects. These warnings give patients and physicians critical information about what to expect when taking the drug. They will know the symptoms that are normal and can watch for signs of a dangerous reaction.
Accusations of fraud
A frequent accusation of pharmaceutical fraud is that a manufacturer did not provide enough warning information for a drug. The court must determine if the company intentionally hid data from consumers or if the warning was sufficient.
One of the challenges for manufacturers is rare interactions with a drug. Even with testing over several years, a patient’s condition or genetics may make them more susceptible to an unexpected, adverse reaction. In drug fraud cases, the argument will revolve around whether the company could have known about the potential of an unusual outcome.
Keeping information up to date
Drug manufacturers must also track reports of reactions to drugs over time. In some substances, side effects only emerge after years of continued use. To prevent harm and avoid accusations of fraud, manufacturers must keep their pharmaceutical warning information current with the latest research.